Wednesday, November 19, 2008

XV- Making of "The Kid With the Green Backpack" Pt 3

XV makes a few movie references and then tears up about being with out his love (Xbox360). *


JTong said...

* Judging by the video game titles named, the video is a little old... But what can you do when you're recording a new album and getting ready to go on tour

Anonymous said...

i see you still had time to make an avatar, lol

K Will said...

Sleep what's your XBL again?

Anyone posting on a fake name is a straight loser. You should go play on Kellogg, or sit in your garage with the car running or something.

Your a SUPER lame if your doing that....

Supafly said...

LMAO!!! Classic Comment

I can't watch the vid at work but i'll watch it later

Anonymous said...

Hey my names xv and i have a black guy nose and white guy lips!!!

Supafly said...

all these anonymous and fake comments are wild...I think you were wrong K-Will

These cats should throw on a white sheet with eye wholes and walk down Grove

Anonymous said...

Nigga please u neva been on grove pussy ass mothfucka, u a staight loser if ya runa blog too

Supafly said...

LMAO!! Hmm saying I ain't never been on grove is like saying McCain won the election....

In case your a lil slow...both of those statements hold no truth

Anonymous said...

Ya right.
Go back to the westside of town with kae

XV said...

"Ya boy Vizzy got a black guy nose/white guy lips/mexican hands/watch me steal yo bish"


I think ICTHipHop should run a contest to find out who Anonymous is. Like the Simpsons did "Who Killed Mr. Burns".

And then we'll all just find out it's Kwill in the end! LMFAOOOO!!!

Supafly said...

lol, neither one of live on the westside and neither one of us is from the westside.

Anonymous is a dumb ass....

LMAO at XV that would be funny as hell. Damned Blog admins

Anonymous said...

yea u are

Supafly said...

Please refer to the second statement I made for all further responses to your posts

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey my name is xv and i rap and play video games, aren't i down 2 earth!!!
A couple years ago i came out with an album that was real hip hop but every reviewer said it sounded like a bad college dropout ripoff!!

Anonymous said...

Ya boy Vizzy got a black guy nose/white guy lips/asian guy hands/and black girl hips

Anonymous said...

Ya boy Vizzy got a black guy nose/white guy lips/asian guy hands/and black girl hips

XV said...

Anonymous said...
Ya boy Vizzy got a black guy nose/white guy lips/asian guy hands/and black girl hips

maybe not.

Anonymous said...


a.d.d. is the shit live, btw

gamertag : ksleep26

wont be on till sunday.


Mike Game: King MC said...

Fuck K Sleep and his video games. And Fly, if you could tell me, what is Grove?? Ive never heard of such a place

Supafly said...

LOL @ XV ...The real one

Looks like you got a stalker

Anonymous said...

Superfly is the guy who is on k's nutts
hes a bummy dude who saw his friend gettn a lil fame and wanted in 2 so he sucks him off. and theres nothing special about grove, ooooooo grove the place ever1 scared of but nothing happens.

Supafly said...

Funny, I don't know who Superfly is