Friday, November 21, 2008

Kae Wun & DJ 3- I'ma Boss

MORE new Kae Wun

Kae Wun- I'ma Boss

Bowling > Trappin'


K Will said...

Bowling with B.O.B. in 2025 > Bowling in 2008

Mike Game: King MC said...

Im jealous, and KWeezy, how much them ICT shirts, Ima need a couple

Anonymous said...

tj's dj too damn

Anonymous said...

u aint had a hit since im hot and that song was boring! This is ur worst song by far! I dont care if u have a pic with jay-z kanye and obama , that song is still weak

Supafly said...

Can't start a day off without a good hater comment...makes you feel good about yourself. lol

Though I do feel bad that nigs get on here for the sole purpose of hating on people and won't come out and say who it is...I say...Let Em Hang, say who you are

But thats just me though...but I digress and defer to my previous comment "Anonymous is a dumbass"

Anonymous said...

speakin of tjs djs... shouts out to DJ P-Know for postin our club hit "Just Bought Dis Fit" on that site!!!