Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mike Game Calls it Quits

Last Night I was up late roaming around and thought I'd check out the myspace and see what was new. When I was shocked to see this in our comment section:

You can see the sincerity in his eyes and the seriousness in his voice. Like a gentleman though he tips his hat to his foes and calls it quits. Simply ending the video with a, "Illprint is Dead."

Mike Guesby,

Kwill and I wish you the best in whatever you wish to pursue and good luck with your future ventures. We hope you stick to writing because you crack us up with your comical stories and one liners. Don't be a stranger and continue to visit the site because we still want you to be a part of Hip Hop in Wichita.



chaos said...


Krash said...

shit you got my respect for stepping out respectfully.
good luck

Supafly said...

I don't believe it

Mike Game: King MC said...

Well believe it....
And Chaos is a fucking wack punk bitch

Yung Drip the Undisputed One said...

Damn bruh, Like i hella respect you kid, but you cant truely say you quittin kuz ppl sayin you garbage. I mean, ppl say im garbage everyday....but...i keep pushin....and well you gotta do you...

on the flip side

I respect you for knowin when to call it quits....some ppl wanna, some ppl live blind dreamz...and if you felt that you werent doin what u set out to do, its good to change ya planz.....what ever you do my dude...hopefully our paths cross...real talk

Supafly said...

Well since you say it like that...I respect you for going out the way you did.

I still think you will return from retirement someday

Unknown said...

HAHAHAHa thats fuckin hilarious, you suck and your gonna quit- best move he could have made- if nobody likes you, ya music, anything about you how the FUCK you gonna sell any music...Whats the point. And even better he shouts out every fuckin horrible example of a Local rapper, I aint gonna say wichita rapper cus theres like 10 good ones- only thing is none of them are on this site but KaeWun and XV(barely wichita, but my boy)

Anonymous said...

this is to Mike Lame: Never was an MC, how are u gon quit say we won and then make a video bout charles hamilton and decide to diss us again at the end??? answer that... if u want this beef to be over just shut ur fuckin mouth fareal. dont say shit bout nobody from TTH or Young Smooth.

Lyl Wan (TTH) said...

You know wat mike we stopped dissin yo ass a while ago but u keep on puttin our name in yo mouf, give it up man this was a battle u lost so juz let it go and pick a fight wit sumbody down there on yo level.

Mike Game: King MC said...

Lyl Wan, you sir are still a bitch, as is Ace n Smooth. See in the video I said "you won", not in the sense that you won the beef, in that "you won" because you got what you wanted. Honestly, you niggas could never see me on the mic, which is why you never wanted to battle. You guys are punk pussy pretenders, which is why you didnt do shit when you saw me. And when you said to fuck wit some one on my level, that would mean to get at Stringer Kaewun XV Rookie Markie Steel Corts or someone like that, cuz them niggas is in the same caliber of MC'ing in which I once was. I gave up rap, because of pussies like you and Chaos and Bizniz Kid. Yal niggas make such terrible fucking music and carry yaselves as bitchniggas that I can rarely stomach even being apart of this rap shit. The type of niggas we got in this city fucking disgust me. So Wan and Ace, do what the fuck you do, cuz at the end of the day, Mike Game is hotter than yal.

I mean my fucking name rings bells, Taw Town Heavyweights gets a constant "huh"? And yal say on my level? Yal niggas have never been on my level. Niggas aint on my level lyrically, not on my level financially, not my level on noteriety. Face it, in this small town more people fuck wit me than yal. And real talk, check the many many messages ive gotten on myspaces of people wanting me back.

But I wont, not until the wack punk trick mark ass niggas like yal and Chaos dont exist.

All Im saying is, if yal are so bad... DO SOMETHING TO ME!!!!

chaos said...

lol wow mike man u already knw wassap man i dnt really b on dis internet shyt man u knw i told u i was gne break yo jaw and u said u was gne call da police so dnt act lyke u hard and street cuz u nt and u know my numba 3163902138 if u got beef bitch and that goes 4 anybody else who want it 2 holla!

Mike Game: King MC said...

Nigga dont you got 2 starving kids at home at ya moms? Lets not worry bout Mike Game and worry more being a dad, ok nigger?

Young Smooth (DOLLABOI ENT.) said...

You know what man, it's not a big secret that you on some fake shit. You say one thing and then try to change the subject when the conversation goes in a direction that threatens you. Just like when DJ3 said he was gon whoop you and now you on sum respect shit like you tryin ta get back in good graces. I don't know him well enough to say he's my dude or anythang but I've spoke with him personally and dude doesn't like you. Same with you saying you gon slap my team and when YOU saw THEM it was YOU that didn't follow through. They never said they was gon do anythang to you. But I did. And you backed down just like you always do. You're just lucky I wasn't there when they saw you. But it's all good cause I'm really starting to understand you. You are the type of person that just doesn't care what he portrays because you don't have ta look yourself in the mirror apparently. I'm not tha type of person to let thangs slide but I garuntee you I'm not gon come looking for you. You're simply not worth the risk of a 911 call or an assault charge. Just word to the wise, keep takin your safety for granted homie and I garuntee I got a rude awakening for you the next time our paths cross. Best of luck.

And I'm not gon waste any time arguing with you because the reality of the situation is, there's no more talking to be done. Just come out ya house once in a while and take ya chances on the street Mike, cause I'm not the only one you gotta worry about. Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease "brotha"

Mike Game: King MC said...

Nigga, take my chances in the streets? The streets of Mulvane where you reside?? And Smooth, I love how you talk bout shit like you know. Cuz 3 has never once said he was gon whoop me, and we've spoken since then, so... WHAT ARE YOOOOOUUUU talking about boy? As far taking my safety for granted, aint nobody gon do shit to me, cuz I dont got problems with real niggas. I got problems with fake niggas. I portray myself as ME!!! I dont get on tracks talking bout shit that I dont do, but thats what you and your boys do. Your boys wouldnt get out of they cars, and Smooth next time our paths cross you aint gon do shit but talk. Dont fuck around and let the lil nigga whoop up on you.

But Smooth I do find truth in what you say though, about alot of people not liking me, but that right there lets me know what type of bitch niggas inhabit my town, cuz NO ONE says they have a problem with me, but you all. Smooth you are a poser by all defintions of the term. Not just cuz you white and you rap. Uniq is white and he raps, and he does it well. You portray yourself as a black person in the way you speak the way you act just everything. And K Sleep knows you dog, yal worked together, and he gave me the plug on ya whole life, so you may wanna just shut the fuck up before you get exposed.

Anonymous said...

dont bring up no other bullshit man... all i ask is shut ur mouth and dont say anything about TTH or Young Smooth... why cant u do that??? just fall off... no ones checkin for u, they just like laughin at you. and believe me ur not on anyones level. ur in a group by yourself, the group of rappers that just dont matter. i dont even know why im responding but u know how to piss people off but ima be on some grown man shit and leave u alone. theres a million things to worry about than ur whack ass. i would go to ur job but last time someone did that (bling or sez batters i think). didnt u say, "u know theres cameras right there"... who disses people on video for no reason??? seriously ur lifes gotta suck anyways i know u only fight girls so just shut the fuck up.

Bling said...

Yo whatever you got going on bro between you and Mike is between you and him, don't put my name in nothing bro! You don't know me like that. You can ask me what happen but don't put my name in anything your involved in! Never in my life have I talked to you! Just so you know!

Mike Game: King MC said...

Nigga the camera was right fucking there, so I was lettin the homie know before he overreacted. And if he or I told you the rest of the story of that day, its go that me n him spoke like grown men and ended the shit, soooo, what are you talking bout. I love how bitches retell stories they heard from other bitches who heard from other bitches WHO WERENT THERE!!! But yal niggas wouldnt even get of your car. Now if Wan came in here talkin bout what happened when yal saw me that'd be one thing, but Smooth wasnt there so he cant say shit, and Ace you sat in your car with the windows rolled up, so shut the fuck up. And stop tryna bring up shit between me and this nigga or that nigga, unless its bout u you should the fuck up. I dont go round talkin bout how Rookie ate yal in a battle do yal? No I dont, cuz it dont involve me. See Ace n Smooth yal are showing why Dub-K is dead, cuz yal niggas is fucking homo gossip girls.

chaos said...

why u talkin nigga i get more bread den u. i wrk every day and do wat i do so my kids aint ever starving and u need 2 focus on gettin out yo mamas little hole in da wall dat yall living in over their and get ya bread up u bitch ass nigga lol and i knw u dnt wanna box me hell yo ex bitch beat yo ass u had 2 call da poilce on her dnt make me get da police record u soft ass nigga but yea get at me on sum real shyt cuz my niggas gne get u if i dnt get dat money watch.....

Mike Game: King MC said...

Issiah, homie, stop pretending for real. Nigga you dont make more money than anyone. You bitchin over a hundred dollars? When Im sure that the 20 here and the 20 there I done LOANED you, you should be owing me. How many times you done ate my crib cuz yo moms wasnt cooking? How many times did I take you and your girl up to Dillions so yal can steal some formula for ya kids cuz you aint had the money? And before you talk bout my living situation and ask Kortez bout the lease on the house I just signed. And as far as working everyday so do I, and since I became manager I make more than you. Nigga just face it, you paid for ya mixtape to be done, and had you not been on some bitch nigga shit it would have. Just know this, you aint getting your money and ya mixtape aint ever coming out. And nigga yeah I live at my months, have been for 2 months cuz my rental history is fucked, but now I got a house. You, your cousin, your mom, your girl, and your 2 kids live in a fucking trailer. Its wack for a grown man to live at his moms, I admit. BUT ITS WACKER FOR A NIGGA AND HIS FAMILY TO LIVE AT HIS MOMS

Mike Game: King MC said...

And the shit you talking Chaos just lets me know whats wrong with this city, everyone got this "its cool for me, but not for you" attitude. Cuz you like "yeah nigga you lame you live at your moms", but you and the family youre raising live at yours, but thats ok right? And you acting like Ive been living at my moms, everybody done been to my crib when I had it so I just fell off, and now im back.

Lyl Wan (TTH) said...

first off mike you da one dat sed u would slap me and u didnt. When i ask u are u gone slap me u sed "why u wanna get physical?", "ima slap u one the mic", so stop wit all dat tuff guy shit. and you ring nuthin but door bells homeboy. Your the only person who thinks you didnt loose da beef. Mike nobody i men nobody likes u. Im not gone but names out there but its niggas i talked 2 dat u done songs wit who be roastin yo ass. So its was good you stopped rappin now u dont have to make a fuckin fool of yo self. BITCH!! lol

Mike Game: King MC said...

Who be roasting me god? Cuz I hear that shit all the time, but niggas dont say shit bout who be saying it, real talk. Chaos, may be the only nigga who did that, but he's a bitch. And thats the thing Wan, I love that you say that, cuz it proves the point bout most niggas, they say one thing to my face and another behind my back. So please enlighten us on who these mystery people are vato