As we plan for big things here at ICTHipHop in the coming year were curious to know what YOU would like to see. A forum? a concert? a meet and great? ICTHipHop awards? Contest? Just let us know. We are very serious, so hit the comment section and let us know.
i think we should put together a ict compilation cd bcuz i havent really heard a compilation from wichita since Midwest Heavy Hitterz Vol.1
everything mentioned sounds good to me....the awards would be nice...to show that we are appriciated for our grind....
the concert, yea...thats a big one too. I like markies idea about the CD, that was an idea of mine like in 07, but it sank.
A meet and greet would be a great start to new buisness for every artist. So everybody got a idea of who is who.
I could go for less Mike Game on the page, who agrees???
Im wit tha meet a tha awards show!
Artist of the year...
Song Of The Year...
Collab of the year...
R&B Song Of The Year...
Group of the year...
ect ect ect
i think this is a great idea cuz we have alot of talent down here and if all of us get togather on a cd it would b a great opportunity 2 wrk with other artist.
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